Patient Stories
Patient Stories are a way for people to share an experience or journey that is meaningful to them. The method used to create patient stories is through digital storytelling which is where voice recordings are put together with images to create a short video. There are no video recordings used so the person telling the story can remain completely anonymous if they want to.
The aim of the stories is to help the person telling it to process what has happened or is happening to them, to communicate and share best practice within a clinical area and to advocate and improve practice.
A number of people, both patients and staff within Caswell Clinic have already worked with Lou to share and produce their stories and some of these are being used in new staff induction training within Caswell Clinic and others are being shown to Executives at Health Board level—a really exciting achievement!
Interested in telling your story?
Telling your story can take as little as 10 minutes, or if you have lots to say it could take an hour or more—time doesn’t matter! It’s a very easy process and you don’t have to worry about stumbling over your words or forgetting what to say because all of that is edited out—just leaving the important bits! If you would like to take part in this project please speak to someone in your clinical team or to Lou or Jan in OT directly.