12 Week Health & Fitness

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In January, we launched a new 12 Week Health and Fitness programme.  Our aim was to create a programme that would work for everybody, whatever their fitness level or previous experience.  Patients and staff from Caswell Clinic and Taith Newydd signed up with hopes of being a little bit healthier in 2020.

In the first session, we all set personal goals for the week.  These included things like walking three times a week, going to the gym once a week, or cutting down to one energy drink a day.  The group then met weekly to review our goals. We discussed ways to stay motivated, shared tips and tricks, and encouraged each other to keep going, even when we didn’t reach our goals.

We also ran weekly education sessions on a whole range of different health topics such as food labels, diabetes, sleep, and protein supplements (this one was controversial!).  There was lots of debate and sharing of ideas in these sessions.  After our session on dental hygiene, the facilitators commented that they were impressed with how engaged the group was, and how many thoughtful questions they received.

As well as the satisfaction of completing goals, group members were awarded prizes on completion of every 4-week block.  Our programme was sadly cut short two weeks before it was due to finish, meaning that we haven’t had our much anticipated end-of-programme party.  But don’t worry, we’ll make up for it when we’re free to meet again!
If you missed out on the last programme, or want to give it another shot, look out for Operation Energize: Phase 2 (coming soon).

We want to thank all of those who have participated so far and for your dedication and commitment to the programme. We hope you will join us again for phase 2 and we would like to welcome aboard any newbies who want to give it a go and achieve some goals.

If you’re interested in joining this group, please contact your OT.


More to read ,,,,,"Healthy Goals During Lockdown"