Arty Artefacts

paper planeThere are a lot of different types of art sessions that are held both on individual wards and in the arts room at Caswell Clinic. These include painting, drawing, colouring, painting pebbles, creating cards, and origami.

Pebble Pictures is a new activity that everyone has enjoyed. Large pebbles were used, some painted and some plain, and using PVC glue a range of different papers or words from old books were cut or torn out and laid in designs. Sometimes stickers were also used to create additional layering effects.
One participant said, “I used layering to create a seaside theme”.

Another new activity done both in the art room and in a session on Penarth ward was to fold coloured papers into different designs of paper aeroplanes. These were then designed and decorated using stickers and felt tip pens. Some flew better than others!
One participant said, “Mine looked like a UFO”.


(WebEd; just seen the hard copy and the images should be following soon they look much better than my planes also there are images of the pebbles too )