Issue 34
Koestler Exhibition 2015
At the opening of this year's Koestler exhibition at the Southbank Centre, London we were treated to speeches by a number of luminaries. Amongst them was justice minister Michael Gove who spoke of offenders' redemption through the arts. The quality of this year's art was quite varied and in comparison to previous years wasn't as impressive. Some of the craftworks were outstanding and evinced adeptness and creativity. Many of the paintings, however, were only of a mediocre standard, which was surprising as this is usually the outstanding category.
The written submissions had an exciting touch about them – sharp, witty, poignant, elevating. It was, overall, a positive experience. One of the highlights being the rendition of songs by a community choir at the event's outset.
The Koestler Trust say, "We passionately believe the arts have the power to transform lives." Art can be both therapeutic and rehabilitative. These exhibitions will always be valuable to participants and public alike.