Issue 33
On the Wild Side 
On the wild side, we have had a cold spring with some hot days. With sightings of willow warblers as early as March 6th. Primroses and cowslips where out all of April and finished in May with the exception of a few last flowering plants in the shade. At the end of May out came the orchids.
Up at parc slip there have been several lapwings and of course the little ringed plover which has fledged two young out of three eggs but unfortunately only one chick survived, we think that a weasel might have predated the chick and might take the other. (Little ringed plover)
There have been lots of arrivals from migrate birds coming from as far a field as Africa, swallows house martins and swift are now high on the wing catching insects for their young, also there are lots of other bird from abroad like whitethroats, wheatear, spotted fly catcher, pied flycatchers and warblers of which there are many species. Over the last couple of weeks the dragonflies have emerged, first being the broad bodied chaser, followed by four spotted chaser and then the hairy dragonfly.
(Female broad bodied chaser)
Butterflies have been abundant all spring, lots of whites arranging from large to small and of course my favourite the orange tip butterfly, peacocks, comma, brimstone and dark green fritillary's have all been seen travelling the pathways of the
(Dark green fritillary)
aWoodpeckers have been seen in the grounds of caswell with many other birds including the buzzard.
There are rabbits at the back of the old Glanrhyd building long with many song thrushes, and a pair of bullfinches has been sighted. Jay jackdaws, and even a tawny owl have been heard.
Dippers are on the river along with kingfishers and grey wagtails and now the salmon and trout are jumping for the mayfly. Soon the heron will be on the river so if you are down the bridge keep a look out for them as they return from over wintering on our coast.
During June I took a trip up to Cilgerran Wildlife Trust Centre and at one of the hide (heron hide) we had the fortune to see an otter feeding in to pool there, it was an amazing sight to see I've only seen about six Otters in my life time they are so majestic in every possible way. Seeing them in the daytime is rare even though they feed day or night, they can also close their ears and nostrils under water which help them to be able to catch their pray (fish, shell fish, frogs and crabs and the like). Well that's all for now I hope you do enjoy the rest of the summer.
(Female reed bunting)
(Little bunting)
(Sorry Images Awaiting)