Issue 33
The Eductation Room 
So what exactly goes on in the education room? Many of you will have visited the room before, maybe to browse and borrow a book from the library, but did you know how many other things go on in this room?
Surfing the net from wiki to google,
I.T. group has the whole caboodle!
Greetings cards and learning to type,
Hazard perception lives up to the hype.
French sessions run on Weds and Thursday,
If you want to learn, come and say Allez!
Beginner or intermediate ability group
Jo says bienvenue and get in the loop.
If you fancy releasing your inner poet,
Creative Writing is where you can show it. So if language and lyrics are your motivation Channel it into short story creation.
Fancy a spot of self-improvement?
What better feeling of achievement!
Become a master of maths or a whizz at writing, Numeracy and literacy can be exciting!
Want to try your hand at animation,
Turn clay or lego into your fascination.
Lou shouts stop-motion, camera, lights, action! Make your story the main attraction.
Evening classes are for everyone,
Choose your course, and let it run.
Sylvia is the tutor and facilitator,
A friendly face not just an educator!
Throw yourself into volunteering,
The library needs overseeing.
Richard and his band of followers,
Stacking shelves and recording borrowers.