Issue 32
Gardening: Review 
It is November and those pesky rabbits are still around, despite the best efforts we still managed to have good crops of Strawberries, raspberries, courgettes, tomatoes, cucumbers and chillies. There were some disasters such as our potato crop being eaten and it has also been a bad year for our apples and pears but we have persevered and it has been encouraging that many of the gardeners that have attended the group have then gone on and used the produce in there cooking sessions.
We continue to try and maintain and improve the plant beds near the greenhouses and are always grateful for any spare seeds or plants as donations. The group continue to do a variety of tasks at a steady pace and as always plenty of tea and coffee are consumed. If anyone is interested in joining the group either on Monday afternoons 14.00 to 16.00 or Thursday mornings 10.00 to 12.00 please speak to your occupational therapist.
Thanks Richard.