Issue 31
User Friendly Group
A message from the Chair
Having been Chair of the UFG for over 3 years now, I have seen quite a few changes. For example we used to take it to individual wards but we have now established regular meetings in the cafe. Attendances have been generally very good, with support coming from those involved, the patients and professionals alike (Ward managers, Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, Activity Coordinators etc). The purpose of the UFG, which meets on the first Friday of every month at 1pm, is to discuss an agenda made up of minutes of the previous meeting and new items. The previous meeting minutes are gone through in detail and Sian D generally knows what action has been taken if any, or any future developments and shares this with the meeting. Occasionally Mike S attends with something specific to talk about. Anything that involves all the patients is brought to the meetings and we finish with any other business. The meetings generally last for about 45 minutes. Please feel free to come along and join us for the next meeting -
everyone is welcome!