Issue 19

Activity Coordinators News Update

metal detectorJust an update from the Activity Coordinators since the last Caswell Chat was published, we were able to get the teacher, Suzie, in to do the Creative Writing it was a great success and everyone that attended the six week session really enjoyed it, so much so that we are hoping to get her back again to do something a bit different next time.

As you are aware we ask the patients what it is that they would like to do and one thing that came back to us was to have some metal detectors and to go and see what we could find, this has been arranged and we have bought and used the metal detectors

(Dale one of our A.Cs (activity coordinator) is photographed discovering an ancient artifact with the clinic′s metal detector. After meticulous analyses we strongly believe the artifact is an iron age boomerang. We are open to other opinions if they are scientifically backed as rigorously as our own opinion. Ed)

There has been interest in having a poetry evening in the Cafe were you can either read your own poem out or if you prefer let someone else read it for you this is being looked at to see when is the best time to have it.

We are also looking into getting somebody to give talks once a month on different subjects this is something the patients want and we are sorting it out and will let you know the dates, also on a Wednesday there is a Chess club just started in the café at 1.30 pm. All are welcome.

We have just completed another questionnaire from all the patients there are some different things mentioned and we will be looking into these in the next couple of weeks.

I think that′s all for now from the Activity Coordinators
