Issue 17
Healthy Lifestyle Group/Gym Training
The healthy lifestyle group has been piloted on Ogmore Ward over the past few months by myself Simon, Ray and Donna (dietician) and Nicole. The aim of the group was for patients to express ideas and requests on what they would like to see change within the clinic to ensure all needs are met to offer patients the opportunity to become more healthy.
Topics have included: snack attack- where healthy snack alternatives were brought in by Donna the dietician, introduction to tai-chi, gentle exercise talk was geared towards helping people recognise that becoming more active didn′t mean gym exercise or lots of hard work and a smoking cessation session. With examples given during the session on how to become more active. From this group patients have requested healthier snacks be available on the ward and patients participation in tai-chi had increased. The main aim of the group in the future is to run a clinic wide group predominantly run by the patients and addressing topics that they bring to the group. The group is to be evaluated in the new year and if any patients have any ideas on topics which they would like discussed feel free to let me know.
I have also spent lots of time up in London on a YMCA Gym instructor course, which will enable me to train all members of staff so they can supervise the use of the equipment available in the sports hall and the fitness suite (including weights). I will be arranging dates during January to train interested members of staff so that patients wishing to use the facilities when I am unavailable will be able to do so. Members of staff interested should speak to the ward managers and arrange dates with myself to attend a training morning.
Karl.H-O.T. Dept