Issue 13

Shaw Trust 

The Shaw Trust is an organisation dedicated to working with people who are disadvantaged by disability or ill health. Based throughout the U.K, Shaw Trust offers many services aimed at improving the quality of life-opportunities for people whose health condition limits their potential.

Realising the importance of a specialist service to help people affected by disability or ill health, we have developed working links with many major organisations including training and service providers, large employers and government departments.

With highly experienced staff able to determine 'what is right' for the individual, we aim to construct an achievable path to help progress them ultimately into sustainable employment that is within their physical and mental limitations.

This 'benefits-to-workplace' process is not always as straight forward as it may sound, different people have different needs, levels of support required will differ between people, and self-confidence issues are frequently in need of developing before an individual can realistically consider work. The Shaw Trust, being the largest provider of services to disabled and disadvantaged people is able to focus on these issues and help overcome barriers like these.

As part of our ongoing development programme, we have recently set up a working link with staff and patients at Caswell clinic to help develop achievable career based avenues to work. This link takes the form of an informal discussion between the patient, Occupational Therapist and Shaw Trust advisor. All relevant information is taken into account before realistic and achievable suggestions will be offered, services available to patients will be individually tailored to meet their needs, and will be designed to enable them to eventually fulfil their work based goals.

Some of the support available through your Shaw Trust adviser:

3-day Confidence building / personal development programme
Access to a range of training courses aimed at offering 'skills for work'
Work Preparation' programme. A re-introduction to the workplace to help the individual 'try' work in order to establish suitability for work, improve self confidence, and re-fresh existing skills whilst learning new techniques.
Personalised support from an advisor offering advice and guidance on all training or employment issues
Financial support to help overcome back-to-work expenses

All information gathered by your personal advisor will be kept under the Data Protection Act, and your benefits will not be affected should you choose to register with the Trust.

Shaw Trust advisor will be present in the Cafe in the Caswell Clinic on the first Monday on each month from 3.30pm, and will be happy to discuss any issues with you then. However, should you require a visit prior to this date, then you can request that your Occupational Therapist contact Mike Dix to arrange a suitable time and date

Shaw Trust Link

Mike Dix