Issue 7
Compost Corner: 00.4 
Welcome to Compost Corner or should I say "Compost Estates" following the large therapeutic garden that we have now acquired! This garden is connected to all wards and each ward has its own features of shrubs, fruit trees, herbs and perennial plants; there are garden benches and seats to sit on and wile away the time. Currently it is very quiet without Tenby and Cardigan wards being open.
The Estates look after the borders and lawn and as patients we have 6 patches that we have dug over. These may be given to patients to plant our own vegetables and flowers in the spring.
Unfortunately it was much harder work to dig the patches than we thought. Luckily, without realising what they were letting themselves in for 6 patients joined in the "fun" and helped with the digging – The photo never lies and shows "The Chain Gang" in action (thank you "boys" for all your Help). We soon built up a sweat as well as with it being back breaking work so Mike (the one without a spade) kept the teas and cakes flowing! One day we also had cheese, home grown tomatoes and baguette as a treat.
We have also planted some 450 daffodil bulbs in some of the boarders for the spring.
We now have two green houses and one potting shed. Due to it being the summer months before the move we built frames for our tomatoes in the old garden greenhouse to carry them across to the new greenhouses and this worked a treat! The greenhouses have water and electricity so as well as making tea we can now start growing plants in the winter and not only in the spring as with the "Old Building" greenhouse.
Everyone has been positive about the courtyard and the fact that patients who are normally escorted can walk here alone. The water features have been pointed out as being very soothing.
Gardening is very therapeutic and it is marvellous to see the fruits of one"s labour. We do digging in the autumn before the frost comes and breaks the soil down further. In the winter and spring months we can plant seeds and grow them in to seedlings for pots and the garden.
Mike breaks up the session with tea breaks where we have a chat about different topics – the Garden Group is quite laid back so why not come and join us on Monday and Thursday afternoon 2.00 to 4.00pm.
By: Green Fingers